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  Forums rearranged and simplified
Posted by: endrift - 05-17-2016, 08:34 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

In the interest of simplifying the forums, several changes have been made:

  • General and Support have been merged together. The difference between the two boards was always a bit poorly defined, so there's only one board for them now.
  • The two gaming boards were merged and put into off topic. They didn't see any traffic, anyway.
  • A new development section was added, by request. This is primarily for developers talking about potential changes, or discussing changes that are made, not for the average user.
Hopefully this will make browsing the forums less confusing now!

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  I still can't figure out how to use cheat codes!
Posted by: mooschu - 05-02-2016, 03:37 AM - Forum: General - No Replies

I'm gonna need a step by step guide on how to enter cheat codes. I've read the other threads, but I just can't seem to figure it out. Maybe I'm missing something here. I'm using the released version 0.4.0 for Windows. I'm trying to use action replay codes.

Thank you

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  Fast Forward button settings
Posted by: LimitCrown - 04-29-2016, 09:53 PM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

Is there a way to disable the ability to fast-forward temporarily? When I'm using my Logitech gamepad, I accidentally hit the right trigger button or the left trigger button sometimes, which causes games to fast-forward or pause, respectively.

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  I need a guide on how to use cheat
Posted by: longxa762 - 04-14-2016, 10:59 AM - Forum: General - Replies (5)

How do you exactly use the cheat system I'm so confused. I got some GameShark that I'm sure 100% working on other Emulator, but I can't figure out how do you suppose to enter it in mGBA.

So I click Add New Set, put my code in the blank space, then click Add Gameshark, it do nothing and if I don't click on the available set, it will automatic create a new emty set. Tried all the Add option and the only way to add it was to click on the Add button, but adding the code using that option doesn't do anything ingame.

edit: is it possible to change the keybind for fast forward/speed up? everytime i save in crucial point sometime the game just stuck in speed mode and i have to press space to change it back
edit2: ok I figure it out, it seem mgba doesn't support the gameshark code(the code is too short?) so i found some codebreaker and it worked

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  mGBA for Wii
Posted by: Malphas - 04-11-2016, 11:36 PM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

Is there a way to activate speed? I've googled it a bunch and I saw the pc version has a turbo button holding TAB so I'm wondering if the one for the Wii also has one. If yes, how do I use it, if not, will you ever add it? Some games with grinding like Pokemon and Breath of Fire get really boring if you have no turbo/speed button. Also whether it has it or will eventually be added. It would be great if it were a toggle as opposed to holding of a button.

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  Question about mGBA (RetroArch version) for the Wii
Posted by: dagreatbuzzsaw - 04-11-2016, 03:54 AM - Forum: General - Replies (4)

I recently got RetroArch v1.3.2 for the Wii and with it came the core for mGBA. I tried it and found that it works a heck of a lot better than VBA-Next! It's just more fluid, there's no signs of slowdown during certain points of the game, and there's no DSI exception errors (at least none I know of yet) of which I've been experiencing frequently with VBA-Next, and frankly I'm fed up with that.

I want to use mGBA for all my games, but the only thing stopping me is cheat support for it. Cheats don't seem to work with it and I've heard through other posts that it simply hasn't been implemented yet. I don't know if you guys have a hand in the RetroArch version of mGBA, but do you guys know if and when cheat support will be enabled for it??? Thank you guys for your time and attention. Smile

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  how to build mgba standlaone for wii ?
Posted by: yoyoliyang - 04-08-2016, 02:03 AM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

Hi,I use my wii to run mgba standalone,but the speed is slow.when I saw your source on github,I found the audio SampleRate is 48KHZ.
Now I wan't change it to 32KHZ and re build the .DOL file for wii.
So,how should I do? I need what SDK on linux or windows to build it? Use cmake or gcc or other?

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  How to Install mGBA on Ubuntu
Posted by: Trinity - 03-23-2016, 02:37 AM - Forum: General - No Replies

OK so I know I am a noob. I downloaded the file.. What is the right way to install it? Do I install each deb file?

Ubuntu 14.04 (64)
mGBA 4.0


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  mgba Wii scaling
Posted by: mat360 - 03-22-2016, 07:17 AM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

Hello, I was wondering if full-screen stretching or better yet custom scaling was planned for the Wii version. Enhanced mgba has the feature but it seems to be lacking from the original mgba.

Thank you for everything you're doing.

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  How to use cheats again..
Posted by: Mclane - 03-14-2016, 04:58 PM - Forum: General - Replies (4)


Desperately trying to enter codes correctly, I decided to have a play of Treasure excellent Gunstar Super Heroes and went to a page


Where the codes were entered as 4 separate lines for the Master Coder and 2 lines for the health cheat.

I've hit add new code and entered the 4 codes for the master one after the other and no matter what cheat device I select nothing comes up, so I then added them in pairs and hit Pro Action Replay and bingo I could see the codes with a button to view or hide them, so I hit add new set and entered the Health as a code pair separated like the others by a space and hit Pro Action replay and closed the cheats window to go back to the game, but my health just kept draining.

This leaves me with 2 outcomes, I'm entering the codes incorrectly or the codes on the site are wrong.

Any clues would be appreciated..Is there an entering format I'm doing wrongly?


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