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  3 missing dll files?
Posted by: iceman2k23 - 06-21-2023, 02:46 AM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

Every time I try to open mGBA I get 3 error messages. Apparently I'm missing 3 dll files. They are EVR.dll, MF.dll and MFPlat.dll

Can anyone suggest what I should do?

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  Cannot Save Game files
Posted by: Ray12345 - 06-18-2023, 11:04 AM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

Hey guys, I’m using the mGBA emulator on the ps vita, I have transferred my games and for some reason I cannot save the game progression? Any idea why?
Thanks Smile

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  I can't save on multiplayer.
Posted by: Suhduhh - 06-17-2023, 09:08 AM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

When I try to play multiplayer, the game creates a new .sa2 file instead of using the existing .sav file. When I switch to singleplayer, it uses the .sav file as expected. I am playing Pokemon Fire Red if that helps. If this is a feature, how do I turn it off?

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  Sonic Superstars got announced, thoughts?
Posted by: Xx_PizzaPasta_xX - 06-15-2023, 11:37 PM - Forum: Gaming - No Replies


What are your thoughts on this? The moment I saw that trailer I was hyped as hell, I spent the entire rest of the day watching people react to it it was that good.

That aside, I like how they make 3D classic Sonic's physics accurate for once (something Generations and Forces could only dream of doing). People be making those memes about Santiago being only a cheap impostor of the original classic Sonic, but Santiago's impersonation skills are getting so good to the point they're almost indistinguishable.

It seems that they went the extra mile making this a completely original classic Sonic experience. I'm not saying that originality's *all* I look for in a Sonic game (Mania wasn't exactly the most original but it's good in its own right), but it's nice not seeing Green Hill zone for the morbillionth time in a row. I'll definitely give it a play when I get the chance to.

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  4 player link, controllers cause slowdown?
Posted by: PolygonSlayer - 05-29-2023, 06:34 PM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

Hi all,

I got a strange issue that I wonder if anyone can help me with or have encountered. Smile
So I got a autohotkey script I wrote to boot up 4 mgba (via new window instances) to be able to easily play Zelda etc. 4 players.
However I notice a weird problem.
If I run the script without controllers connected (all xbox controllers, 1 series x and 3 360 pads) everything runs at 60fps. Same result if I try 1 pad, 2 pads, 3 pads...
However if I have 4 pads connected, then it drops to about 39fps no matter what. It also happens if I only have 2 instances for example, still same, 39fps.
I can even see if it I got 4 instances running and I unplug and plug the pad in and out it slows down and then goes back to normal speed.

Anyone got any idea? is it some driver issue?


And just after I posted this I had an idea to try and change the controllers I was using. So I have another spare 360 controller around and tried to swap it out and for some bizarre reason one of the 360 pads I was using would cause my games to run slower if it is connected alongside 3 other controllers... if it's on itself.. fine, with another pad fine etc.. just that if there are 3 other controllers. It breaks the universe! haha, ok... I don't know why, but this fixed it so will use this one 360 controller for just the console itself then since the pad does work fine on its own.
Just weird..

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Thumbs Up My Favorite Games
Posted by: Marioipod13 - 05-11-2023, 02:30 PM - Forum: Gaming - No Replies

Thanks for developing MGBA, I'm Marioipod13 and I really like playing my old GameBoyAdvance games with this.

My favorite Game Boy Advance games are:
* Pokemon Sapphire
* Pokemon FireRed
* Super Mario Advance (the Super Mario 3 and World versions)

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  RTC management 3DS
Posted by: Fhakym - 05-10-2023, 09:36 AM - Forum: General - Replies (1)


Is there way to manage RTC in the 3DS version of mgba ? I want to have Fixed Time Clock for speedrun (pokemon emerald).

Thank you in advance for your responses !

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  Wireless Adapter??
Posted by: vm_goggle - 05-03-2023, 04:53 PM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

Is there any hope for Wireless Adapter emulation on mGBA in the future?? Sorry if the question has already been answered. I gave a little search and didn't find any thread dealing with this topic. It would be a dream come true, honestly.

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Posted by: godwxn2001 - 04-17-2023, 02:13 AM - Forum: General - Replies (4)

So I played with two friends via mGBA and we all separately have a folder with the mgba rom and we all separately when we want to save export a game shark file and then save within the game (in this case pokémon). But after playing for so long when we close after saving them open it restarts the game. How can i fix this or avoid this!?

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Bug Shaders not appearing in folders when using mGBA
Posted by: UTDballer69 - 04-08-2023, 04:43 PM - Forum: General - Replies (3)

Hi guys,

I'm trying to apply shaders to my games but when I go into settings and click on shaders, the folders appear to be empty.

However, when I access the folders through the file explorer (not through the mGBA settings that link you to the folder), the shader files are present.

For whatever reason, mGBA cant see the .fs and config files. Any idea what might be going on?

I have an i5 3470 running intel hd 2500, which apparently supports openGL 4.

I've attached two images of the problem.

Image 1 is accessing the shader folders through mGBA.

Image 2 is accessing them normally through the file system.

Attached Files
.png   troubleshoot2.PNG (Size: 92.98 KB / Downloads: 3)
.png   troubleshoot1.PNG (Size: 195.91 KB / Downloads: 3)
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