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  Config file?
Posted by: cycyx - 12-05-2015, 12:02 AM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

Hello there,

I'm using mgba-sdl on Arch Linux, and was wondering if you could provide a detailed configuration file, in order to allow us to change keyboard mapping for example.

Also, having a key to quit the emulator would be nice: launching mgba in fullscreen will lead to a painful experience when you want to quit...

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Thumbs Up Shaders!
Posted by: angrykaspar - 11-26-2015, 03:26 PM - Forum: General - Replies (4)

I think this is a big deal. Thanks for the great work Smile.

I was wondering, could we please get that AGB001 shader with just the colours and not the "pixels"? It's neat, but shaders only work in fullscreen for me, and I think because of a non-integer stretch, the gaps between the "pixels" are uneven. So the horizontal black lines in-between pixels are sometimes one pixel tall, and sometimes two pixels tall. Sometimes the green sub-pixel is one pixel wide, and at others, two pixels wide. It would be perfect if we could get either just a colour shader, or if we could have integer stretch in fullscreen mode.

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  Autofire option?
Posted by: kout - 11-22-2015, 09:07 PM - Forum: General - Replies (2)


Is there support for autofire? That is, toggling the repeated press of a button. VBA had the option to activate it with Alt+1 I believe, but I've looked over in the settings and haven't found it on mGBA (though perhaps it's using a different name). It's really useful for certain games, such as the Pokémon ones.

Thanks, and congratulations on the superb emulator, endrift! Your work here is amazing Smile

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  Game Boy Advance Documentation
Posted by: endrift - 11-13-2015, 07:24 PM - Forum: Development - No Replies

Master post of all GBA documentation:

GBATEK Errata:
  • BLDALPHA is readable (but BLDY is not)
  • Sprite semitransparency overrides brighten/darken modes in BLDCNT—but only if the sprite blends, i.e. has a target 2 beneath. This is mentioned in GBATEK but is not made clear. Affects Golden Sun fights.
  • WIN wrapping is not described properly. Affects Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald battle intros in caves. TODO: write docs on how
  • Audio registers all either read out 0s or disallows writes when SNDCNT_X has the audio circuit disabled TODO: determine which
  • JOY register descriptions are sometimes backwards with respect to RECV and SEND. TODO: Needs clarification
  • Game Boy Player rumble documentation doesn't work with Pokémon Pinball Ruby/Sapphire, which uses variable speed (PWM) rumble. TODO: Needs investigation
  • GamePak "variable strength" rumble in Drill Dozer is just PWM.
  • BLDCNT, BLDALPHA and BLDY are not latched during scanlines and can be updated at any point during rendering.

  • DMA source and dest registers cannot have invalid addresses written to them; the write will fail and the old value sticks TODO: determine valid ranges
  • DMA3 from SRAM to ROM (and possibly visa versa) causes the GBA to hardlock
  • DMA1 and 2 can read SRAM and ROM TODO: Can it write ROM?
  • DMA0 reads back (mostly?) zeroes from SRAM TODO: How much of this is my flashcart?
  • TODO: remember/find out more

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Posted by: Bighead - 11-13-2015, 01:05 AM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for this great emulator! The world was badly in need of a more accurate GBA emulator and so far you have delivered. From my testing it's worked flawlessly with every game I've thrown at it. I've read through all your blog posts and although I can only understand a small amount of it, it looks like you know your stuff and it's exciting to see progress. I highly anticipate some of the planned features such as filters and linking with Dolphin. Keep up the great work!

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  Bugfixes and Regressions
Posted by: endrift - 11-12-2015, 11:12 PM - Forum: Development - No Replies

This thread will be used to keep track of game bugs, how to reproduce them, which revision they were fixed in, and which revision broke them again (if applicable), with reproduction steps and savestates/savegames if needed.


  • Dragon Ball Z franchise
    • Requires EEPROM saves.
  • Shining Soul II
    • Requires a slightly odd ArcTan2 calculation for HLE BIOS, or else the game can soft lock. Fixed in 415298e.
  • DK: King of Swing
    • Requires WAITCNT bit 15 to be read-only 0
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
    • Requires out-of-bounds memory accesses to behave as on console.

  • Street Fighter II
    • Writing to LYC when LY=LYC and mode=2 triggers LCD IRQ
  • HuC-3 (Robopon)
    • Requires SRAM to return 0x01 when inaccessible instead of 0xFF.
  • Prehistorik Man
    • Audio buzzing requires basic "zombie" mode audio working (i.e. volume envelopes getting adjusted on write) to fix. Cf. GBDev wiki. Also affects other Titus games, such as Lamborghini American Challenge.

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  Fav Launch Title
Posted by: daas - 11-09-2015, 06:00 AM - Forum: Gaming - Replies (2)

What is your favorite launch title for any classic system at the time or that is now a favorite of yours?

I'd have to say Super Mario Advance for the GBA, Dynasty Warriors 2 for the PS2(when I was into those types of games), and most of the NES launch titles. Smile

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  endrift what drives you?
Posted by: daas - 11-09-2015, 05:52 AM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

What drives you? Also what would be a good way to sure our support?

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  PlayStation 2 Port?
Posted by: TheMrIron2 - 11-06-2015, 11:05 PM - Forum: General - Replies (5)

Hi, fellow mGBA users.

I'm satisfied with the progress of mGBA so far, it's better than any of the other emulators I have tried on the Wii Homebrew development scene. However, when I was looking around the mGBA website, I saw that there is a working PSP port of mGBA, and seeing as the PSP is on roughly the same raw-power level as the PS2[my PS2 was beside my TV at the time, in case you're wondering "where'd he get the PS2 from?"], I thought about a PS2 port. I mean, there is a PS2 Homebrew scene (FreeMcBoot), and the PS2 is definitely capable. I looked up the specs and the PSP is only slightly (33MHz) faster than the PS2, and they use very similar components (PSP's CPU is basically a mini Emotion Engine, the PS2 CPU). Maybe I'm missing something, but the majority of devices emulating a past machine only needs to be around 10x faster than the original, tops (then there are rare cases like the Xbox (original) emulator/s, where it needs to be crazy powerful to run these games in comparison).

Is GBA Emulation a special case, or is there just no interest in a PS2 port? I'm just curious.

Thanks for reading.

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  mGBA on New 3DS XL
Posted by: Rickpwns - 11-05-2015, 06:24 PM - Forum: General - Replies (1)


To play games with this emulator, I just put the GBA games on my SD card?

Thank you for your great efforts to make this possible.


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