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FFTA Save Failed Please need help!
ok....after days of wrestling with google by myself.....i finally decided to register to further purse this problem....


Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (USA) ran on mGBA 0.10.2

trying to start new game but everytime the moment i get a chance to save, i get "save failed"?!

I checked directories, i tried with/without BIOS, i tried with vba-m (save failed again), and some how vba 1.8.0 of from 2006 is working perfect without ever hiccup of ALL 300 missions (I have completed this game before) I also tried 64k, 125k, and 1mB override save type. I tried europe rom, i tried different older versions of mGBA VBA-M and some how retroarch is ok but old cores now.....

the ONLY viable work around so far is LITERALLY reddit telling me to change certain HEX codes to bypass the need to save near the end.....

I just have to play it on mGBA coz its the only emulator with a aspect ratio fix......i cant believe im knee deep is hex code coz i cant save and all just so i can play full screen without stretching the game......

please.....anyone have this issue if you could share some light on this....

Do you have a clean ROM? It should show up as CRC32 5645e56c in the ROM info screen, and under game overrides as Flash 512kb.

I assume "save failed" is something the game itself says, not just the save not appearing when you open it up again?

(11-16-2023, 11:50 AM)endrift Wrote: Do you have a clean ROM? It should show up as CRC32 5645e56c in the ROM info screen, and under game overrides as Flash 512kb.

I assume "save failed" is something the game itself says, not just the save not appearing when you open it up again?

Sorry i just discovered I can generate a bug report using mGBA, but the forum wont let me upload all of them? any specific file I could attatch to answer that question?

Sorry Im learning everything from scratch by myself as i go

PS how do i check if the rom is CRC32 5646e46c plz n ty

PPS welp..... a clean game from 7th page of google apparantly was the not even gonna try to understand wat happen but everything works now! TYVM

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