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Full Version: Corrupted Save State
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I've been using mGBA for a few years now and I like to use save states alongside the actual save because saving to the .sav file does not always work.

This method and save states have been life savers on some occasions and I have never had a problem until now.

I am playing Pokemon Scorched Silver and out of nowhere my save state corrupted.

It seems to be just the state in the first slot and I have another state in the second created from the last position the actual save was on BTW which did not save where I had the corrupted save state, this is the reason I use both.

Fortunately, all I really lost was almost 1.6k coins from spamming the roulette in the Goldenrod Game Corner but that is still a lot of time I spent for nothing.

Is there a way to fix a corrupted save state?
Can you upload the save state so I can take a look at it?
(07-23-2024, 04:58 AM)endrift Wrote: [ -> ]Can you upload the save state so I can take a look at it?

It seems I can't. A banner pops up that says the file is empty. Sad
Well that would explain why it's corrupt. I guess it got truncated somehow. Unfortunately I can't do much with an empty file.
(07-23-2024, 06:04 AM)endrift Wrote: [ -> ]Well that would explain why it's corrupt. I guess it got truncated somehow. Unfortunately I can't do much with an empty file.

Welp thanx anyway.
Howdy, new here.

After years on forums, I'd like to think like-minded discussion doesn't count as hijacking (hopefully!).

I am having a similar issue that I could certainly use help with. Post OS reinstall.

I scrutinized my directories for mGBA to ensure a safe trip for saves from local to where it should be (ROMS folder)

Unfortunately, after a little digging...

I save like a pitcher in the world series, but also use states to pick up where I left off.

Apparently, somehow everything in the mGBA directory ended up read-only. So my hard work at leaf green is lost because it simply wouldn't write the dang save to card.

EXCEPT I have a single state of my last position in game. When I attempt loading, I get black screen with garbled sounds.

I updated to the new version by sheer accident, as I know that can cause issues. Uninstalled, reinstalled.

Any chance you can turn this around for me? Removed read only from all directories and files. If you can, I can load it, save again, see what happens.

Thank you!