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Full Version: About filters and shaders
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I'm sorry bothering you, but I don't know how to change filters. I'm already with the latest version: 0.6.3, but I don't see any button or option called Filter or anything. Can you please teach me how to change?
It's in the settings dialog, they're called shaders.
Sorry, I'm a total newbie. I found the folder named "shaders", and some files inside. Then I open the settings on the emulator, and I don't see anything related to Shaders. All I see is:

Audio/Video (And I don't see any Shader option there)
You need to have OpenGL (not OpenGL Force 1.x) as your display driver or else it won't show up.
Ok, it's already set as "OpenGL". But I still can't find anything named "shader" or options to change. Do I need to execute any command or something like this?
Well, here is a print.

[Image: hCqldXB.png]

I searched anything named "Shaders" a dozen of times, but I don't find anything.
Yeah, that's weird. Try a dev build maybe?
I did as you told, but still can't find the "shaders" options.

[Image: bIKIaIu.png]

I'm using Windows 7 32 bits and I don't have a video card (I'm using an old PC), maybe this is the reason why I can't see the options?
Yeah, that seems likely. That can happen if you don't have an OpenGL 3-capable GPU.