11-24-2017, 04:36 AM
Is it Just me?
Trying to use codes for Pokemon Emerald (U).gba
Some reason i can get most codes to work perfectly
On My Boy free...but not on any PC emulator.
The rom i am using for both devices are the exact same.
Master codes First Line Disappearing(select codes)
Access Bags or Shops codes dont work altogether
Walk through walls is a no go...
And the biggest one...
Pokemon Wild Modifier not working AT ALL...
I have searched these places for codes and have
Tried a virtual butt ton of them...
And the list goes on..
I have been at this for three days...
Things ive gotten to work.
All Hold R for Exp codes
Item codes(PC and Bag)
Max stats(slot 1)
Things i havent tried
Teleport codes
Tm/hm(this is easy enough to obtain imo)
And everything else that wasnt mentioned here.
So...after all this....
This is what i have...
My boy free: most codes are successful
Vba: only select codes work explained above
mGBA: same as above (the EXACT same codes)
Vba and mGba delete the same lines of code(only master codes that ive seen). Fail at the same Entries. And successfully Run the exact same working codes.
The closest success ive had with Encounter modifier was turning a Wurmples' sprite into a Volpix...trying to encounter a Treecko...it was sad...really...
Also - when an xbox one controller is used (Xinput1)...
The LR bumpers are Default to -2 and -5 respectively..
When trying to map them to Left Trigger and RT...
+2 and +5 respectively they do not save... Instead of
+2/-2 and +5/-5 it does this...
2 and 5
And it will not save like this. This always reverts back to
-2 and -5
Any help with any of this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this mess...
Edit: And yes, i have tried many of these codes using
The different methods (GS,AR & CB)(aka typing the M and
XXX code 3! different ways)
Trying to use codes for Pokemon Emerald (U).gba
Some reason i can get most codes to work perfectly
On My Boy free...but not on any PC emulator.
The rom i am using for both devices are the exact same.
Master codes First Line Disappearing(select codes)
Access Bags or Shops codes dont work altogether
Walk through walls is a no go...
And the biggest one...
Pokemon Wild Modifier not working AT ALL...
I have searched these places for codes and have
Tried a virtual butt ton of them...
And the list goes on..
I have been at this for three days...
Things ive gotten to work.
All Hold R for Exp codes
Item codes(PC and Bag)
Max stats(slot 1)
Things i havent tried
Teleport codes
Tm/hm(this is easy enough to obtain imo)
And everything else that wasnt mentioned here.
So...after all this....
This is what i have...
My boy free: most codes are successful
Vba: only select codes work explained above
mGBA: same as above (the EXACT same codes)
Vba and mGba delete the same lines of code(only master codes that ive seen). Fail at the same Entries. And successfully Run the exact same working codes.
The closest success ive had with Encounter modifier was turning a Wurmples' sprite into a Volpix...trying to encounter a Treecko...it was sad...really...
Also - when an xbox one controller is used (Xinput1)...
The LR bumpers are Default to -2 and -5 respectively..
When trying to map them to Left Trigger and RT...
+2 and +5 respectively they do not save... Instead of
+2/-2 and +5/-5 it does this...
2 and 5
And it will not save like this. This always reverts back to
-2 and -5
Any help with any of this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this mess...
Edit: And yes, i have tried many of these codes using
The different methods (GS,AR & CB)(aka typing the M and
XXX code 3! different ways)