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Full Version: Save file and Pokemon Blue not working
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SO I have been playing Pokemon Blue on my phone with Delta. I decided let’s try and actually complete the Pokédex once in my life. So I did the research and was led to mgba.

I transferred my save file to the Mac. Booted it up in mgba with no issues. Started playing for a bit on the Mac. Then when I went to save that is where the issues began. So It saved just fine. But locating the save file was a challenge. Then I changed the save location. Figured out what I was looking for. It created a save file. It was named Pokemon - Blue Version (USA, Europe)(SGB Enhanced).sav. This was different then the string of letters and numbers that delta saved as. Well when I tried to load that temp save file, there was no game saved. But the 2 files were the same size.

What do I do? What am I doing wrong?
Can you upload the two save files here so I can look at them?
(05-31-2024, 10:43 PM)endrift Wrote: [ -> ]Can you upload the two save files here so I can look at them?

It won't allow me to upload the .sav files
Put them both in a zip file first
(06-01-2024, 04:46 AM)endrift Wrote: [ -> ]Put them both in a zip file first
Checking to see if there is any update?