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Full Version: Disabling Full Screen
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Anyone know of a way to permanently disable full screen in this Emulator? Or at least eliminating the behavior when you push a button twice ("A" I think) it automatically goes to full screen?

I am setting up a Windows based mini-pc for the kids in the car. The PC is completely controlled by an xbox controller (no keyboard/mouse). The issue is once a program goes full screen, it shuts down the Windows Controller controls, effectively locking the user into that program unless a full restart is done.
The problem is that you have that button mapped to both click and a button. It's seeing a double-click and the window full-screens if you double click on it.
(08-05-2023, 12:00 AM)endrift Wrote: [ -> ]The problem is that you have that button mapped to both click and a button. It's seeing a double-click and the window full-screens if you double click on it.

And How can I Unbind the button without the menu bar? I need it to reconfig my control joystick
Why can't you use the menu bar? That's a pretty necessary thing to have around.
alt enter is how i went from full screen to non and vice versa