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Full Version: void* outputFramebuffer for both GFX_LEFT and GFX_RIGHT
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I'm trying to enable 3D mode in mgba. This line here

void* outputFramebuffer = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, &height, &width);

draws the left screen of the top screen. I want to simultaniously draw the right screen to enable 3D (like when you slide the 3D slider to the top). I have tried numerous approaches but nothing worked.

void* outputFramebuffer = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, &height, &width);
void* outputFramebuffer = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_RIGHT, &height, &width);
void* outputFramebuffer = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, &height, &width), outputFramebuffer = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_RIGHT, &height, &width);

and so on. Every time I got a compile error. What am I doing wrong? How is it supposed to work? Pleas help me.
Please, anybody. I still haven't figured it out. I just want to see how good it looks and whether or not it impacts performance.