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Full Version: Real Colors, Desaturation
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Just wondering if mGBA will have options for desaturation like VBA-M has "Gameboy Colors" for certain games that oversaturate to compensate for the backlight.

I tried to achieve it with shaders to no succeess. Are there any plans to add cg shader support?
Cg shaders will not be supported due to the reliance on no-longer-maintained, deprecated Nvidia tools. As for desaturation, those filters look absolutely nothing like what real hardware looks like (and you can tweak the settings to make it look more like hardware as-is), but I suppose I can write a simple desaturating filter.
Very cool of you to just jump on a marginal request like that. I've been impressed with how fast mGBA has grown so thank you for all the work you put into it, I know it's a part time job in itself just making an emulator... let alone one as good and accurate as this one.
(01-12-2016, 02:47 AM)AngelofApathy Wrote: [ -> ]Just wondering if mGBA will have options for desaturation like VBA-M has "Gameboy Colors" for certain games that oversaturate to compensate for the backlight.

I tried to achieve it with shaders to no succeess. Are there any plans to add cg shader support?

mGBA is one of the best Emulators I have used.  I am playing NES classic series Games Bomberman, Castlevania, Dr. Mario without any issues. The source which suggested me mGBA was very reliable, and so still using it. no problems  Heart